Hello There!
artist • ux professional • design & interfaces • husband • father • ballroom dancer • huge tom and jerry fan • coffee lover
Rome's Place, my happy little corner of the internet. This place started out much bigger, but splintered off into two other sites; Tom & Jerry Online and my art portfolio cogwurx.
Thanks for stopping by!

cogwurx - the creative labratory of Romeo Zivoin.
Within this graphical complex of gears, robots, and code, you will find his works of fine art, digital art and web designs on display for your visual pleasure. Go take a look!
Art and creative expression have always been an essential part of Rome's life. His childhood interest in comics and painting led him to study Fine Art in college. Today, Rome incorporates his passion for creation into both his professional career as a UX/UI designer and into his personal traditional oil and acrylic pieces. Rome is an intuitive painter whose abstract compositions explore movement and texture to express emotion, sensations and impressions. For more information on Romeo and his artwork, visit cogwurx.
The Cat that chases the Mouse
Tom and Jerry?!? What is the famous cat and mouse duo doing here? Why am I referrencing these most awesome cartoon characters? Is it for page hits? Maybe. However, the likely reason is that I'm a huge, huge fan of Tom and Jerry. Since I'm such a big fan it was only natural that make a fan site...which was a really popular thing to do in the late 90's; making fan sites.
I have been running a Tom and Jerry fan site for over 20 years now. It's chock-full of fun and information. Therein you will experiece a sense of nostalgia of when cartoons where made right and didn't suck. Go have a visit!